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Undergraduate Degree Minors

For the baccalaureate degree, a minor is a secondary area of academic specialization involving courses in one or more academic disciplines. Methodist University Online offers the following minors: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Information Technology, Criminal Justice, Health Care Administration, Marketing, Psychology, and Social Work.

Accounting Minor

Expand your business expertise 100% online with applicable knowledge in accounting and explore professional accounting career paths.

The Accounting minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3 c.h.)
  • ACC 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3 c.h.)
  • ACC 3410 Intermediate Accounting I (3 c.h.)
  • ACC 3420 Intermediate Accounting II (3 c.h.)

Electives: Select two courses (6 c.h.) from any 3000- or 4000-level electives in Accounting.

Business Administration Minor

Build core leadership skills 100% online and advance in administrative and management careers in almost any industry.

The Business Administration minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3 c.h.)
  • ACC 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3 c.h.)
  • ECO 1510 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 c.h.)
  • ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3 c.h.)

Electives: Select two courses (6 c.h.) from any upper-level accounting, marketing, financial economics, or business courses.

Note: For students in the following programs, the Business Administration minor is already built into your program’s curriculum:

  • BS/BAS in Accounting
  • BS in Health Care Administration
  • BS in Marketing

To officially add this minor to your degree program, contact your advisor.

Computer Information Technology Minor

Gain applicable skills in a career field that the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects will grow 11% from 2019 to 2029 — nearly three times the rate for all occupations.1

The Computer Information Technology minor consists of 21 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • CSC 2010 Introduction to Computer Science (3 c.h.)
  • CSC 2020 Introduction to Programming (3 c.h.)
  • CSC 2200 Introduction to Computer Organization (3 c.h.)
  • CSC 3010 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3 c.h.)
  • CSC 3050 Software Engineering in UNIX Programming Environment (3 c.h.)
  • MAT 1050 (or higher) College Algebra (3 c.h.)
  • MAT 1100 (or higher) Finite Mathematics (3 c.h.)

Criminal Justice Minor

Acquire the competencies needed to excel in the challenging yet rewarding field of criminal justice.

The Criminal Justice consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • JUS 2410 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 c.h.)
  • JUS 3090 Criminology (3 c.h.)


  • Any four courses with a JUS prefix (12 c.h.)

Health Care Administration Minor

Become a leader in this industry by learning about how health care facilities are managed and administered.

The Health Care Administration minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • HCA 2000 Introduction to Health Care Administration (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 3050 Managing Health Care Organizations (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 3300 Health Care Strategic Management (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 3500 Economics and Finance of Health Care Organizations (3 c.h.)


Select two additional HCA courses (6 c.h.):

  • HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 3600 Health Care Informatics (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4100 Managed Care/Medical Group Practice Management (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4200 Long Term Care Administration (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4500 Health Care Research Methods/Senior Seminar (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4400 Medical Coding (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4700 Fundamentals of Health Care Policy (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4800 Health Care Administration Internship (3 c.h.)
  • HCA 4850 Special Topics in Health Care Administration (3 c.h.)

Marketing Minor

Develop the skills and insights you need for a future in market research, product design, sales management, and digital marketing in your industry of choice, all from a 100% online classroom.

The Marketing minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3 c.h.)
  • MKT 4000 Consumer Behavior (3 c.h.)
  • MKT 4550 Marketing Technologies (3 c.h.)

Electives: Select nine credit hours (three courses) from any 3000- or 4000-level MKT courses or any class from the following list:

  • BUS 3201 Business Writing (3 c.h.)
  • BUS/ENP 3010 Entrepreneurship (3 c.h.)
  • CME 2540 Strategic Communication (3 c.h.)
  • CME 3060 Computer Generated Graphics & Animation (3)
  • CME 3410 Content Management and Web Design (3 c.h.)
  • CME 3530 Desktop Publishing (3 c.h.)
  • CSC 3090 Web Technologies and Programming (3 c.h.)
  • CSC 3500 Computer Graphics (3 c.h.)
  • ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3 c.h.)
  • ENP 3100 Growing a Business (3 c.h.)
  • SMA 3550 Sport and Tourism Concepts (3 c.h.)
  • SMA 4230 Sport Marketing, Sales, and Promotions (3 c.h.)

Psychology Minor

Build on your previously earned credits by studying human thought processes and behaviors.

The Psychology minor consists of 15 credit hours of PSY, to include PSY 1010

Social Work Minor

Our CSWE-accredited social work program features curriculum that will teach you how to apply critical thinking skills that allow you to successfully work with people in any profession/career path you may pursue.

The Social Work minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Required Courses:

  • SWK 2310 Introduction to Social Work (3 c.h.)


Select any 15 s.h. of the courses listed below:

  • SWK 2400 Professional Writing and Critical Thinking (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3000 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3020 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3050 Death & Dying (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3150 Helping Processes (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3320 Methods of Social Research (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3500 Human Diversity and Populations-At-Risk (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3700 Social Welfare Policy and Services I (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3720 Social Welfare Policy and Services II (3 c.h.)
  • SWK 3750 Child Welfare (3 c.h.)

Diversify Your Experience

As a rising number of professionals apply for available job opportunities, choosing a minor is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Complete a minor alongside your Methodist University degree program and you’ll be able to:

  • Specialize in your field of interest and pursue your ideal career path.
  • Boost your employment potential in a competitive market.
  • Preview an area of study that you may want to explore in the future.
  • Demonstrate to employers that you value education and have a strong work ethic.