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Online BS in Computer Information Technology: Curriculum

Curriculum Details




At Methodist University, you can engage in computer information technology classes that focus on a mix of technical and business skills desired by successful organizations. You will complete an array of online information technology courses that explore topics like computer science, database management, and software engineering. Choose from two career-focused concentrations in business information systems or cybersecurity and information assurance. Throughout the program, you will learn from a diverse faculty team as you prepare to harness innovative technologies in business.

To earn the 100% online BS in Computer Information Systems degree, you will accrue 124 credit hours. Of those, 51-66 credit hours are in the major, depending on your choice of concentration.

Core Courses


An introduction to computer science and programming. No prior programming experience required. Typical problems from the office workplace and their computer solutions will be explored. Elementary problem solving and programming techniques will be studied.

Problem solving, algorithm development, and programming. Some of the problem solving techniques include topdown design, stepwise refinement, structured programming, and object-oriented design.

Computer architecture, organization, data conversions, data representations, CPU structure, memories, addressing, IO devices, and Assembly Language programming are some of the topics.

An opportunity for a well-qualified, upper-division student to engage in special research in his/her major.

Linear and quadratic equations/inequalities, equations with radicals, equations/inequalities with absolute values, applications, functions, graphing, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of equations.

Functions, lines, sets, systems of equations, inequalities, matrices, linear programming, logic, mathematics of finance, probability, and statistics. The graphing calculator is required.

Business Information Systems Concentration


Fundamentals of financial accounting, with an emphasis on understanding the use of the accounting information system and analyzing and interpreting financial accounting information. Required of all accounting, business, financial economics, and marketing majors, and usually taken in the sophomore year. Prerequisites: completion of 12 semester hours or permission of the instructor, department chair, or school dean

Completion of fundamentals of financial accounting, with an emphasis on analysis and interpretation of business operations, and an introduction to managerial accounting. Required of all accounting, business, financial economics, and marketing majors, and usually taken in the sophomore year. Prerequisites: ACC 1510, MAT 1050 or higher, or permission of the instructor, department chair, or school dean

Inferential statistics using business and economics data. Principal topics: probability, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, and time series and forecasting. Prerequisite: MAT 1050 or permission of the instructor, department chair, or school dean

Survey of the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling within both structural and behavioral contexts. Emphasis is given to individual behavior, interpersonal relationships, small groups, inter-group relations, leadership, and change within the various structures of contemporary formal organizations. Also, involves the study of organizational structure including the design of centralization, formalization, and complexity. Student teams are used to study course content through case studies and to experience the dynamics of team membership.

Management of funds from the corporate perspective, with emphasis on security valuation, risk analysis, financial forecasting, capital budgeting, capital structure components and their costs, and dividend policy. Prerequisites: ACC 1520, BUS 2160, and ECO 1520, or permission of the instructor, department chair, or school dean.

An introduction to the object-oriented programming methodology using a modern object-oriented programming language. Algorithms and data structures will be studied from the object-oriented viewpoint. The Class concept as an architectural design tool will be a major focus of the course.

An intensive course in the study of large programming projects and how they are accomplished/implemented in the Unix programming environment. Topics include Java, C, and the Unix programming environment; the tools that Java, C, and Unix provide for dealing with large programming projects; and various topics in software engineering.

Students study a broad spectrum of Web programming technologies. Materials include markup languages, cascading style sheets, document object model, client-slide scripting, server-side application development, and multi-tier Internet database application development.

Complexity, data structures, searching and sorting not covered in 3010, graphs, and mathematical algorithms.

Data models, normalization, query facilities, file organization, index organization, security, integrity, and reliability.

Aggregate income measurement and analysis, fiscal and monetary policy, inflation, unemployment, and other current issues.

Price theory applied to product and resource markets with emphasis on pricing and output decisions under various market conditions.



An introduction to the object-oriented programming methodology using a modern object-oriented programming language. Algorithms and data structures will be studied from the object-oriented viewpoint. The Class concept as an architectural design tool will be a major focus of the course.

Complexity, data structures, searching and sorting not covered in 3010, graphs, and mathematical algorithms.

Data models, normalization, query facilities, file organization, index organization, security, integrity, and reliability.

Course description coming soon.

Course description coming soon.

Course description coming soon.

The course is an applied approach with hands-on labs throughout the book that challenge you to practice and synthesize your skills as you dissect actual malware samples, and pages of detailed dissections offer an over-the-shoulder look at how the pros do it. You will learn how to crack open malware to see how it works, determine what damage it has done, thoroughly clean your network, and ensure that the malware never comes back. Malware analysis is a cat-and-mouse game with constantly changing rules, so make sure you have the fundamentals.

This course presents an overview of the principles and practices of digital investigation. The objective of this class is to emphasize the fundamentals and importance of digital forensics. Students will learn different techniques and procedures that enable them to perform a digital investigation. This course focuses mainly on the analysis of physical storage media and volume analysis.

The course will introduce the principles and techniques associated with the cybersecurity practice known as penetration testing or ethical hacking. The course covers planning, reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation, and result reporting. The student discovers how system vulnerabilities can be exploited and learn to avoid such problems.

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