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Online AA in General Studies: Curriculum

Curriculum Details




The 100% online Associate of Arts in General Studies degree provides a wide-ranging array of topics to prepare you to enter the job market, locate promotion opportunities, or advance your education in a bachelor’s degree program. The coursework explores different topics in a variety of subjects, including the humanities, mathematics, social and natural sciences, fine arts, and wellness. As a result, you’ll develop a breadth of resources to build your academic foundation that will propel your professional success.

To earn the 100% online AA in General Studies degree, you’ll accrue 62 credit hours. This consists of Core Courses (24-32 s.h.) and Electives Courses (30 s.h.)

Core Courses


IDS 2100 Reading Circle (1 s.h.)

**CSC 1000 Computer Literacy: Introduction to Computers and Information Technology (3 s.h.), or BUS 2250 Microcomputer Business Applications (for Reeves School of Business Majors ONLY), or demonstration of competence

** Must be satisfied before completing 60 semester hours or demonstration of competence.

***ENG 1010 Composition (3 s.h.)
ENG 1020 Composition and Introduction to Literature (3 s.h.)
ENG 1040 Composition and Rhetoric (3 s.h.)
****ACL 1500 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3 s.h.)
****ACL 1510 Speech Communication (3 s.h.)
****ACL 3540 Strategic Business and Professional Communication (3 s.h.)
****ACL 3600 Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication (3 s.h.)

*** English 1000 or 2070 as needed. Entry level is determined by scores attained on standardized ACT/SAT, high school English grades, and/or placement testing. Continual enrollment in composition courses is mandated until requirements are fulfilled.

**** Students who pass a competency test (administered on a pass/fail basis at no charge) for ACL 1510 and/or CSC 1000 will not be required to take the class for which a test is passed. Passing a competency test will not give a student a grade or the equivalent semester hours for taking the respective course(s), but will satisfy the respective general education ACL and/or CSC requirement(s). Students are permitted one single attempt to pass a CSC 1000 and/or ACL 1510 competency test.

Any Literature course 2000 or higher except ENG 3610 or ENG 3620; HIS, REL (3 s.h.)

ART 1510 Language of Art (3 s.h.)
ART 2530 Survey of Art History I (3 s.h.)
ART 2540 Survey of Art History II (3 s.h.)
MUS 1510 Survey of Music in Western Civilization (3 s.h.)
MUS 1520 Jazz and Popular Culture (3 s.h.)
MUS 1600 Music Fundamentals (3 s.h.)
MUS 1610 Music Theory I (3 s.h.)
THE 1620 Survey of Theatre (3 s.h.)
THE 1630 Basic Stagecraft (3 s.h.)
MUS 1110-1120 Voice Class for Non-Music Majors (2 s.h.)

MAT 1050 College Algebra (3 s.h.) or higher, except MAT 1060 and MAT 2060

One Lab Science from BIO, CHE, GLY, PHY, and SCI (3-4 s.h.)

ECO, PSC, PSY, or SOC (3 s.h.)

WEL 1010 CPR/Lifetime Activities and either WEL 2010, WEL 2350, WEL 2180 or PXS 2900 (2-3 s.h.)

** Must be satisfied before completing 60 semester hours or demonstration of competence.

Request More Information

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