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Online BA in Professional Leadership and Ethics: Curriculum

Curriculum Details




Methodist University’s 100% online Bachelor of Arts in Professional Leadership and Ethics program delivers an interdisciplinary curriculum that balances vocational skills with coursework coming out of the liberal arts tradition. The program’s focus on three primary tenets – collaboration, contextualization, and contributions – provides a heavy emphasis on ethical decision-making behind leadership practices.

Regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, the program will prepare you to engage with skills that include professional writing, design, interpersonal communication, applied moral reasoning, techniques of leadership, and future-driven leadership. As a result, you will be equipped to take your career to the next level. To earn the 100% online BA in Professional Leadership and Ethics degree, you will accrue 124 credit hours. Of those, 42 credit hours are in the major, including major core courses (15 c.h.) and concentration electives (27 c.h.).

Core Courses


Introduction to the science of psychology. Substantive topics include the history of psychology, the biology of psychological processes, psychological development, perception, learning, memory, personality, and social psychology.

The application of psychology to improve the productivity and satisfaction of members of an organization. Topics include personnel selection, performance appraisal, job analysis, job training, work motivation, job satisfaction, group processes, leadership, and organizational theory and development. Prerequisites: PSY 1010 or BUS 3430, and ECO 2160 or PSY 2500 or permission of instructor.

This course offers a practical introduction to inductive logic that can be applied to the sciences, criminal investigation, medical reasoning, reasoning in business, and reasoning in everyday life. Topics covered include basic methods of induction, inference to the best explanation, Mill ̓s methods, and basic probability theory.

Survey of the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling within both structural and behavioral contexts. Emphasis is given to individual behavior, interpersonal relationships, small groups, inter-group relations, leadership, and change within the various structures of contemporary formal organizations. Also, involves the study of organizational structure including the design of centralization, formalization, and complexity. Student teams are used to study course content through case studies and to experience the dynamics of team membership.

A study of the leadership styles, abilities, and tools necessary to anticipate future trends and strategies to maximize benefits while minimizing threats. Futuring techniques to be discussed include Environmental Scanning, Delphi Technique, Brainstorming, Historical Perspective, Scenarios, and Trend Analysis. Emphasis will be placed on visionary leadership, transformational leadership, and paradigm pioneering.

Elective Courses


  • ENG 3201 Business Writing
  • SWK 2400 Professional Writing and Critical Thinking
  • ART 1010 Foundations of Design
  • AGD 1000 Design Production
  • THE 2000 Practicing Creativity
  • ACL 2540 Strategic Business and Professional Communication
  • ACL 3600 Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication
  • ACL 3700 Results-Oriented Persuasion
  • ACL 3900 Collaborative Conflict Management
  • HIS 2170 Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective
  • HIS 3820 History and Gender
  • HIS 3610 The Civil Rights Movement
  • SOC 3830 Gender and Society
  • SOC 3920 Human Sexuality
  • SWK 3500 Human Diversity and Populations-At-Risk
  • MAT 2200 Applied Statistics
  • SOC 2200 Applied Statistics
  • PSY 2500 Statistics for Psychology
  • BUS 2160 Statistics for Business and Economics
  • PSC 3050 Democratic Principles and Theory
  • PSC 3100 Law and the Legal System
  • PSC 3330 Public Administration
  • HIS 3700 Contemporary World History
  • LSS 3000 Principles of Leadership
  • LSS 3250 Theories and Techniques of Leadership
  • PHI 2200 Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Ethical Problems
  • PHI 3350 Environmental Ethics
  • BUS 3200 Business Ethics
  • PHI 3400 Medical Ethics
  • PHI 4200 Ethical Foundations of Criminal Justice
  • PHI 3200 Business Ethics

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