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AA General Studies: Faculty

  • Keith Dippre

    Professor of Music, General Education Faculty

  • Kevin Hoffman

    Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, General Education Faculty

  • Mark Kline

    Head, Social Sciences Division, Professor of Psychology

  • Terry House

    Department Chair and Professor of Computer Science

  • Hem Basnet

    Associate Professor

  • Marian Dillahunt

    Assistant Professor of English

  • Jie Zhou

    Associate Professor of Mathematics

  • Frank Trapp

    Professor of Political Science

  • Laura Mars

    Assistant Professor of Psychology

  • Andrew Lybbert

    Assistant Professor of Biology

  • Paul Knudson

    Chair, Sociology; Associate Professor of Sociology

  • Cecilia Ducloz

    Instructor of Mathematics

  • Kelly C. Walter Carney

    Professor of English

  • John Dembosky

    Director of General Education; Professor of Geology

  • Carl Dyke

    Professor of History, Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Michael Potts

    Professor of Philosophy

  • John Herring

    Assistant Professor of Kinesiology