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Curriculum Details

36 Total CREDIT hours required



Develop the skills necessary to lead school improvements and intentionally use technology in instruction with Methodist University’s 100% online Master of Education in Educational Leadership with an Instructional Technology Specialization. In this program, you’ll explore high-impact leadership, methods for instructional technology, school evaluation, personalized learning, digital citizenship, and more to graduate prepared to serve as a leader in education.

Studying online under the guidance of expert educators, you’ll complete 36 credit hours to earn your master’s degree. This includes seven core courses in Educational Leadership and six courses in the Instructional Technology Specialization. This program is pending NCDPI approval.


Learners will explore High-Impact Leadership skills and different types of leadership styles. After identifying a personal leadership style, the learners will develop a plan to address different education challenge scenarios. Learners will leave the course with a developed self-efficacy or an internal locus of control over the outcomes based on their leadership decisions. Emotional intelligence strategies will be explored to empower leaders to advocate and communicate for educational changes.

EDU 5010 is part one of a two-part series, and it will develop teacher candidates’ understanding of how to leverage educational technology strategies and tools in meaningful ways across the various content areas to increase student learning. The course is based on the ISTE Standards for Students, North Carolina Digital Literacy Competencies, The Technological Pedagogical Content (TPACK) model, Technology Integration Matrix (TIM), and Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) Model. Teacher Candidates will explore practical ways to teach Digital Citizenship, and tools like Google, Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, and various Learning Management Systems (LMS). Candidates will develop lessons that align with ISTE Standards for Students 1.1 – 1.3. This course will be taken in consecutive terms with EDU 5020 Students must earn a grade of C or higher to successfully complete this course. Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite: Students must be enrolled in EDU 5020 in the consecutive term.

EDU 5020 is the second part of a two-part series, and it will develop teacher candidates’ understanding of how to leverage educational technology strategies and tools in meaningful ways across the various content areas to increase student learning. The focus of the course is to prepare students to think critically and develop knowledge to help students succeed in a global digital world. The course prepares teacher candidates to understand how to use educational tools in their classroom to benefit students. Teacher Candidates will explore practical ways to use educational tech tools and strategies to enhance classroom management, assessment, presentations, and collaboration. Teacher Candidates will develop lessons that align with ISTE Standards for Students 1.4 – 1.7. This course will be taken in consecutive terms with EDU 5010. Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite: This course will be taken in consecutive terms with EDU 5010. Students must receive a grade of C or better in EDU 5010.

Learners will explore current diversity issues and trends that impact K-12 classrooms. This course is grounded in theory, research, and practices toward creating socially just schools by using inclusive leadership practices. This course emphasizes a focus on practical strategies and tools to help promote equity and excellence for all students. After investigating various discrepancies in education, learners will develop a comprehensive approach to prevent discrimination and promote diversity during their tenure as educators and leaders within the profession.

School Improvement will be explored through the lenes of the Adaptative Leadership Theory. In the course, learners will find ways to overcome challenges and achieve success with school improvement. Learners will develop a vision, mission, and purpose statement that aligns with their individual leadership style. After exploring various issues within schools, learners will identify one areas of interest related to school improvement. Learners will research the area, develop a school evaluation tool, and design a strategic plan to address the school related issue aligned with their individual leadership style.

Technology provides educators with an opportunity to assess students and use the information to inform teaching and learning. Learners will explore various digital assessment techniques to collect pre, formative, and post data. Technology provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in meaningful ways, and students can make choices when provided with multiple pathways for learning. Students will demonstrate learning within a digital portfolio. Learners will develop meaningful ways to provide students with instructions including creating a flipped learning framework, and meaningful feedback.

Learners will be introduced to methods and strategies to engage students with collaborative and interactive digital tools in a K-12 classroom. Learners will explore research-based strategies to help engage students through game-based learning, design challenges, and STEM challenges. Learners will create lessons that provide students with multiple ways to create and collaborate to respond to the learning objectives. Learners will research and curate different digital-based classroom management strategies.

Learners will find effective models and practices for online and blended learning that foster student engagement and increase learning outcomes. Learners will explore and develop self-directed, instructor-led, synchronous (live interactions), and asynchronous (elapsed interaction) instruction. Various Learning Management Systems (LMS), video-conferencing platform tools, and assessment strategies will be explored. Various ideas for creating interactive videos and interactive presentations for instruction will be explored. Learners will design opportunities for collaboration and communication.

Learners will explore meaningful ways to create a universal design for learning to meet the needs of every learner. Technology can be leveraged by educators to provide organized and focused instruction connected to the preferences of students. Learners will develop technology-based tools to promote cultural competency when communicating. Various research-based strategies will be explored to help the learner differentiate and personalize instruction. Different assistive and adaptive technology tools will be explored. Learners will develop different strategies to help students view the information in multiple formats and demonstrate learning in multiple ways. Learners will develop ways to ensure that content is accessible to every learner.

Learners will explore strategies to help K-12 students safely and responsibly navigate the internet by applying ISTE’s 9 elements for digital citizenship. Various skills and procedures will be explored that help learners develop lessons that foster respectful, responsible, and positive collaboration and communication. Cyberbullying prevention, online privacy, and etiquette will be explored. Learners will develop strategies to help students develop a positive digital footprint and personal brand while maintaining a media balance to promote well-being.

Learners will develop meaningful ideas to integrate emerging technologies with learning objectives. Some emerging technologies of focus include Augmented, Virtual, and Extended Reality (AR/VR/XR), coding, game-based learning, robots, green screens, and break-out rooms. Through peer collaboration and networking, learners will increase ideas about how to integrate emerging technologies and troubleshoot implementation issues. Different research studies will be explored to reflect upon the effectiveness of emerging technology use on students’ learning and engagement. Learning activities with infused technology will be constructed to foster active and higher-level learning outcomes for students. Learners will find ways to make global classroom connections. Connections will be established between content and speakers from around the world who will connect with the classroom. Learners will find ways to connect students to global read-alouds, and students will take part in a global project that fosters empathy, collaboration, and curiosity.

The purpose of the Capstone Courses Part 1 and Part 2 are for learners to focus on their understanding of the program. Throughout the two-part Capstone Courses, learners will synthesize and demonstrate what they have learned throughout the Master of Education program. Learners will develop half of their culmination project. The final project is digital portfolio that includes artifacts demonstrating learning throughout the program. The digital portfolio will bridge theory and practice and emphasis will be placed on how the new knowledge will influence the profession of the learner. Students are required to complete all previous courses in the Master of Education Program before enrolling in the Masters of Education Capstone Part 1. Students are required to earn a C or better before enrolling in the Masters of Education Capstone Part 2.

The purpose of the Capstone Courses Part 1 and Part 2 are for learners to focus on their understanding of the program. Throughout the two-part Capstone Courses, learners will synthesize and demonstrate what they have learned throughout the Master of Education program. Learners will develop half of their culmination project. The final project is digital portfolio that includes artifacts demonstrating learning throughout the program. The digital portfolio will bridge theory and practice and emphasis will be placed on how the new knowledge will influence the profession of the learner. At the conclusion of the Capstone Course Part 2, learners will present their final projects. Students are required to earn a C or better before enrolling in the Masters of Education Capstone Part 2.

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